# | Tutorial | X loc | Y loc | height | message title | tab number | panel1 obj | panel2 obj | panel3 obj | root obj | Cmdar cirlce | panle1 circle | panle2 circle | panle3 circle | root circle | message text | No Wait | Map X | Map Y | Open? | focus |
1 | Treasury | | | | Treasury Department | -1 | | | | | | | | | | The Treasury Department is likely to be one of the areas within the government that some leaders will spend a lot of time in, while others will rarely visit. The Treasury Department focuses primarily on the main source of revenue for the government --- Taxes and where those revenues are spent. Note: Taxes are not the only source of income for a region and there are more than one type of tax available for adjustment. Click Next to Continue. | | | | y | | |
2 | Treasury | | | | Treasury Department | 5 | | | | | | CABINET | | | | The Treasury Minister truly holds the purse strings for our government. Since they allocate the funds to each department (based on budgets estimates etc...), they can control whether another minister has the financial resources to meet that department's expected goals. Therefore it is important to try and establish a consistency between the Treasury Department's 'Priorities' and the financial policies of all other government departments. | | | | n | | |
3 | Treasury | | | | Annual vs Daily Values | | | | | | | ANNDAYBUT | | | | While the values shown here are 'Annual' figures, it is also possible to change the display to show 'Daily Values'. Note: Toggling the Display between Annual and Daily anywhere within the Government Interface, will change that setting throughout all government reports. | | | | | | |
4 | Treasury | | | | Financial Estimates | 0 | | | | | | | | | | Within the Treasury Department we can view a number of Financial Estimates. In the first panel we see reports on Income and Expenses averaged out as Annual figures. Note: Estimates such as these are based on previous days' spending. Any day after a large one time expense, reported values could be inaccurately high. At the same time, the day after a large commodity sale, the reports could suggest a future surplus where none may exist. | | | | n | | |
5 | Treasury | | | | Financial Estimates | 0 | | | | | | | | | | Also reported here are current values for Inflation, our GDP/c and Unemployment. As discussed in the Concepts Tutorial, these values inter-relate to each other in many ways. Notes: Unemployment below 3% will usually lead to high inflation and increased cost of goods. A steadily climbing GDP/c is often more favorable than a fast rising one as it will allow time for the economy to adapt. | | | | n | | |
6 | Treasury | | | | Taxation | 0 | | | | | | TAXBUTTON | | | | Your region's overall Tax Rate is also shown here. This rate reflects the combined total of all the various taxes that exist (Income / Property / Sales etc...). Your Treasury Minister will try and adjust each tax according to your priorities, however if you have specific plans in mind for economic reform you may wish to adjust taxes yourself. Selecting the button highlighted below provides access to the Tax Settings. | | | | y | | |
7 | Treasury | | | | Tax Adjustments | 0 | TAXBUTTON | | | | | | SALESLDR | | | When accessing this panel, you will notice that taxes are divided into eight categories. Each category may have one or more tax rates. If you don't care about individual taxes and only want to concern yourself with the overall rate, that can be adjusted on this panel using the slider. Beneath each tax category access button you will also notice a graphical representation of the current rate for that tax. (Note: Only taxes set above 0% will be affected by the master slider. Taxes set at 0% will stay at that rate.) | | | | n | | |
8 | Treasury | | | | Tax Adjustments | 0 | | | | | | | LOCK | | | In the top left corner of the Tax Panel, you will notice a 'Lock'. If you don't wish your Treasury Minister to make changes to any of the Tax settings, you may lock them from their control here. (If there are only selective taxes that you don't want your Minister tinkering with, then they can be locked on each individual tax panel.) | | | | | | |
9 | Treasury | | | | Income Taxes | 0 | | LOCK | | | | | INCTAXBUT | | | As has been mentioned, in some cases you may wish to be more exacting in the tax changes you make. In those cases you can review each tax independently. As an example, let us further examine Income Taxes... | | | | y | | |
10 | Treasury | | | | Income Taxes | 0 | | INCTAXBUT | | | | | | | | Personal Income Tax is separated by income level into Low, Mid and High Income tax brackets. Each level can be taxed to a different rate and will have a varying effect on our economy and on Domestic Approval. (Notes: Many of these specific tax sections include more than one tax. Rate adjustments are applied to the next day's tax collection.) | | | | | | |
11 | Treasury | | | | Other Taxes | 0 | | | | | | | PROPTAXBUT | | | Within the Tax Panels there is also one Flat Fee tax. Since it is an exact dollar amount setting, it doesn't change with the Overall Tax Rate slider. | | | | y | | |
12 | Treasury | | | | Other Taxes | 0 | | PROPTAXBUT | | | | | | IMMFEESLDR | | The Immigration Fee (shown here) is not a tax charged to our population, but a fee that must be paid by anyone wishing to immigrate to our region. Applying an Immigration Fee may generate some small income but could quite significantly decrease immigration, since some will be unwilling or unable to pay this fee. If you are trying to discourage immigration, this can be a good place to start... | | | | y | | |
13 | Treasury | | | | Tax Adjustments | 0 | | | | | | TAXBUTTON | | | | When you are done with taxes selecting Adjust Taxes again will close this section | | | | n | | |
14 | Treasury | | | | Financial Notes | 0 | TAXBUTTON | | | | | BUDGET | | | | To fully see the effect of taxes on your economy you should review the budget reports. These reports will also help you get a better grasp of our region's Income and Expenses. | | | | y | | |
15 | Treasury | | | | Financial Notes | 0 | BUDGET | | | | | | | | | The first item in our Financial Notes is our current Credit Rating. This is an indicator of how well the world financial community views your leadership of our region (the higher the better). Spending Shortfalls are reported when there are insufficient funds to fully meet budgeted expenses. Unit Production, Facility Construction, and Research are all halted if your treasury runs out of money. As well, our region is not able to purchase goods from international markets or make payments on loans. (Note: A Treasury Shortfall can often explain why actual expenses may be different from budget expenses.) | | | | y | | |
16 | Treasury | | | | Financial Notes | 0 | | | | | | | DETREPBUT | | | Since the items previously mentioned cannot be funded by 'Deficit Spending' (spending that allows your treasury to go further into debt), you must have money in your treasury at the end of each day for any progress to be made the following day. This emphasizes the importance of always keeping your treasury in the positive. (Note: A full accounting of all income can be seen by selecting Review Income.) | | | | y |
17 | Treasury | | | | Financial Notes | 0 | | | | | | | DETREPBUT2 | | | Your Income can then be compared to the list of Expenses found within 'Review Expenses'. The total Income less all Expenses will match the budget surplus or deficit referenced by many government departments. | | | | y |
18 | Treasury | | | | Financial Notes | 0 | | | | | | | TRADEBUT | | | Trade reports are also reported within the Treasury Department since they can quite often have a huge impact on cash flow. If our region is exporting (selling) goods worth more than our total imports (purchases), then we are experiencing a Trade Surplus and our treasury will benefit. Of course the opposite is also possible. Please be sure to review the Commerce Tutorial to learn more about International Trade. | | | | y |
19 | Treasury | | | | Loans | 0 | BUDGET | | | | | CLOANBUT | | | | The 'Loans' list provides a summary of all Diplomatic Exchanges that involved scheduled payments and that had at least one payment missed. | | | | y |
20 | Treasury | | | | Bonds | 0 | | | | | | BONDBUT | | | | Despite being able to fully analyze Income and Expense Reports and learning what actions may improve cash flow, there are times when issuing a new Bond is unavoidable (to be able to afford that new Industrial Goods Facility etc...) Unfortunately with the condition of the world as it is, the financial community will not allow us issue a new Bond whenever we wish. As we increase our debt through new bonds, our Credit Rating will decline, and the interest rate we are forced to pay will increase. | | | | y |
21 | Treasury | | | | Bond Market | 0 | BONDBUT | | | | | | | | | Bonds may only be issued once per day. They can however be repurchased at any time. When issuing a bond, you can generally decide its term (One, Two, Five, or Ten Year). The longer the term of a bond, the higher the interest rate it will carry. Note: Interest on bonds is paid daily and can be reviewed in Expense Reports. | | | | y |
22 | Treasury | | | | Treasury Department | 0 | BONDBUT | | | | | | | | | That concludes your introduction to the Treasury Department. Please continue reviewing our other government departments so that you are familiar with the full scope of your duties and responsibilities. | | | | |
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